A Few Things To Know About Participating In A Research Study

When pharmaceutical companies and medical supply manufacturers bring a new product on the market, it has to go through a period of testing first. This is usually done with the help of people who enroll in paid research studies to see how the drug or product will affect them. Payment is given to compensate for the time involved and to work as an incentive to get people to participate in the research.

The Most Subtle Signs Of A Heart Attack

If you have ever seen somebody on TV or in a movie have a heart attack, you likely saw them clutch their chest or mention their arm being in pain. The truth is that movies and TV shows do not often portray the more subtle signs of a heart attack that most people actually experience. Fatigue & Exhaustion If you feel fatigued at the end of the day, you may not have anything to worry about.

Telling The Difference Between The Stomach Flu And Food Poisoning

After you have had something dodgy to eat, you might wonder if your sick stomach is the result of what you have just eaten. However, you might also hear that the stomach flu is going around. To know how to treat your stick stomach, you will need to know where your stomach ache is coming from. Causes Food poisoning results from eating food that has been contaminated by viruses or bacteria.