The Most Subtle Signs Of A Heart Attack

If you have ever seen somebody on TV or in a movie have a heart attack, you likely saw them clutch their chest or mention their arm being in pain. The truth is that movies and TV shows do not often portray the more subtle signs of a heart attack that most people actually experience.

Fatigue & Exhaustion

If you feel fatigued at the end of the day, you may not have anything to worry about. If you suddenly feel very tired and unable to move forward with your day, something more serious may be at play. The reason people may feel exhausted is that less blood flow is coming through the heart.

Stomach Issues

Sudden feelings of nausea and sudden vomiting are common in those suffering a heart attack. Look out for other signs of gastrointestinal issues, including intense pain. Some women experience so much stomach pain and nausea they believe they actually have the flu or food poisoning at first.

Back Pain

Soreness in the back is a common symptom associated with heart attacks, though most people think about pain in the chest or arms. The lack of oxygen reaching the body contributes to soreness. Sometimes people feel more pain in their back than in their chest or arm.

Throat Discomfort

Mouth and jaw discomfort is not uncommon among individuals undergoing a heart attack. Look out for signs like sudden tightness in the throat and pain on the sides of the neck.

In addition to feeling pain in your throat, you might also feel dizzy and have trouble catching your breath. Soon, you may even feel as if you have run a marathon.

Trouble Sleeping

Some people wake up in the middle of the night with pain and are unable to go back to sleep. They might have insomnia in the moments before feeling intense pain in their chest.


Many people begin to experience intense heartburn before a heart attack. In some cases, they begin burping uncontrollably. If you rarely have heartburn and suddenly experience an intense bout, you should be cautious about any other symptoms that emerge.

Finally, be mindful of your own feelings. Be wary when you begin to experience odd symptoms you have never experienced before. As you might have heard elsewhere, listen to your gut.

If you experience any of these symptoms, get in touch with emergency help right away. Do not delay in receiving medical treatment from a cardiologist. It could be the difference between life and death.
