Telling The Difference Between The Stomach Flu And Food Poisoning

After you have had something dodgy to eat, you might wonder if your sick stomach is the result of what you have just eaten. However, you might also hear that the stomach flu is going around. To know how to treat your stick stomach, you will need to know where your stomach ache is coming from.


Food poisoning results from eating food that has been contaminated by viruses or bacteria. The food might also contain hazardous chemicals. It is typically more dangerous than stomach flu.

Stomach flu is an illness that results from a virus that has infected your stomach. You will feel sick for a few days. In contrast, food poisoning can be so severe that it can be fatal, such as botulism. Stomach flu is only lethal in extreme circumstances such as when the individual suffering from food poisoning becomes severely dehydrated.

Why the Distinction Is Important

The symptoms of food poisoning tend to be more severe. For example, a case of food poisoning can lead to nerve damage and bloody diarrhea. For this reason, depending on the severity of the food poisoning, you should consider getting yourself into urgent care.

You may be able to determine the exact source of food poisoning. This can be helpful if you would like to consider civil litigation. Stomach flu, on the other hand, does not usually have a single cause.

When You'll Start to Feel Ill

The effects of the stomach flu take longer to manifest. For example, you may see the effects of food poisoning within a few hours of contracting it. In contrast, you will see the effects of the stomach flu within 24-48 hours of contact. For this reason, it is much easier to determine the cause of food poisoning.

Symptoms to Look Out for

To determine if you have the stomach flu or food poisoning, think about whether you have constipation or not. While both the stomach flu and food poisoning can lead to diarrhea, only the stomach flu will lead to constipation.

Food poisoning is more likely to cause you to feel fatigued. You are also more likely to feel a general sense of malaise. You may suffer from a headache and may feel muscle aches throughout your body.

If you feel stomach or intestinal cramps, you might have the stomach flu. If you are thirsty and sweating, you are more likely to have food poisoning. If you have joint stiffness, you are likely to have the stomach flu. Regardless, if you feel very ill, you should head to a walk-in care clinic like Walk -In Family Medicine Center.
