The Benefits Of Finding An Urgent Care Clinic With Onsite X-Rays

Urgent care centers have made getting care quickly a much easier feat for every patient. Today, many urgent-care-based healthcare clinics now offer onsite X-ray scans to patients to further enhance treatment capabilities. Why is this such an important addition to the care model for patients that visit these centers? Take a look at a few benefits of finding an urgent care clinic that has on-site X-rays available. 

Get Urgent Diagnostics For a Proper Diagnosis and Rapid Care 

Urgent care centers are explicitly designed to help people get urgent care when they need it but don't necessarily need an emergency room. When you find an urgent health care clinic that has an onsite X-ray, you have access to even speedier levels of diagnosis and care. In many cases, this can mean you will get the rapid care you need for your condition. For instance, if you have a hairline foot fracture, the urgent care center can stabilize your foot with a standard boot, which can prevent further damage to the slight fracture. 

Save Money on the Costs of the Visit for Your Care

All healthcare organizations and clinics have costs associated with each new patient that comes in, and your bill will be tallied to reflect this. Therefore, if you have to visit more than one place to be treated for the same ailment, there is a good chance you will end up paying more money for the costs of care. For example, if you visit urgent care and they have no onsite X-ray scans available, you may have to be referred to a hospital nearby to visit the radiology center and get X-rays. This means that patient fees will have to be paid at both places instead of just one. 

Prevent Unnecessary Trips to the Emergency Room 

Emergency departments in local hospitals naturally have X-ray equipment onsite to treat patients. However, not every patient that needs an X-ray is going to be a good candidate for emergency care. When you have access to an urgent care center that offers X-rays on-site, you can avoid going to the ER simply because you know you need an X-ray in spite of not being in a dire medical situation. For example, if you suspect you have a lung infection but don't need emergency care, you can visit the urgent care center, receive a chest X-ray to confirm the diagnosis, and get the prescribed medications needed.

For more info, contact a local company like QUICKmed Urgent Care.
