Wiped Out From A Bout Of Covid-19? Try Nutrient IV Therapy

According to MedicineNet, people who have gotten over a Covid-19 infection may still experience fatigue months after the infection is gone. While practicing good habits, like getting quality sleep and improving nutrition can help mitigate this fatigue, you may be frustrated with your progress.

It's a good idea to reach out to your doctor to make sure that you aren't experiencing long-Covid or are developing other post-Covid issues. You may also want to talk to your doctor about therapies to improve your fatigue. One treatment you may want to look into is nutrient IV therapy—read on to learn more.  

What is Nutrient IV Therapy?

During this therapy, nutrients—such as vitamins and minerals—are mixed with a saline solution and delivered directly to your bloodstream through a vein. This therapy can replenish any nutrient deficiencies you may have since nutrients are delivered in a higher concentration compared to oral supplements. Because these nutrients bypass the stomach and intestines and go directly into the bloodstream, patients may start feeling better sooner. This IV solution contains electrolytes and can help you reduce dehydration, a common factor in feeling fatigued.

Who is a Good Candidate for nutrient IV therapy?

Only your doctor can tell you whether you qualify for this therapy, but in general, people in good health. IV therapy is typically contraindicated for people with heart conditions or kidney diseases as these organs may not be able to process high doses of vitamins in one go. IV therapy has minimal side effects, such as rashes or bruising at the injection site, but it's important to update your doctor on your health history so that there aren't any interactions with supplements or prescribed medications that you may be taking.

How Can IV Therapy Help People Recovering from Covid-19?

There are different kinds of nutrient IV therapies that you can try, but you may want to look for a clinic that offers IV mixtures that contain vitamin B. People who are recovering from Covid-19 may be deficient in vitamin B12. Improving vitamin B12 levels can improve your red blood cell production and oxygen delivery. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in energy reserves as it helps to metabolize fats, proteins, and carbs more efficiently.

You may also want to look into IV infusions that contain vitamin C as well. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron more efficiently, thus reducing the chances of anemia. Vitamin C helps metabolize protein, which plays a role in improving your energy and in healing. Vitamin C has an antiviral effect and boosts your immune system so you can fight fatigue.

Because Covid-19 is such a new infection, some results from clinical trials involving IV therapy as a treatment are still pending. However, one study found that an IV therapy of vitamin C could be a feasible treatment for people with moderate to severe Covid-19.

Reach out to a health care clinic today for more details on IV therapy.
